James Brown
JoinedPosts by James Brown
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown
Amen. Makemeanunbeliever -
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown
There is no evolution like you believe Cofty and these videos prove that.
I want every one who wonders or doubts to see what a fraud and charlatan you are.
These videos prove that and your fear of them confirms that.
You have been running rough shod and uncontested for too long.
This forum is about Jehovahs witnesses and not a pulpit for you to preach Evolutionism.
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown
Cofty and who ever monitors this site.
You Cofty troll all the time.
Every time I say something pro God or the bible you are like flies on shxt.
You show up immediately saying something negative and anti God anti bible.
Cofty you are the King of all JWnet.com Trolls.
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown
I am not going to delete them .
They expose you as a charlatan and a fraud.
And If this board deletes them
the board will be a charlatan and a fraud and not interested in the truth.
This Forum is not your Bully Pulpit.
You want me to delete the videos because the collapse your house of cards.
If you don't like my videos ignore them and continue preaching your nonsense.
Raise your flag up the flag pole you have your cronies who will salute and come running to your rescue.
The last I heard this is the Jehovahs Witnesses.com not the Cofty the evolutionary preacher page.
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown
Cofty you have no idea about science and evolution. You just like to argue about stupid things that you and no one else understand can explain or prove.
I have been around you now for a minute.
Your a character and a bullshxter.
Neither you or breakfast of champions have watched the videos.
And Dawkins will not debate Hovind.
I am posting this for the innocents trying to escape the watchtower who are looking for the truth but show that they have a weakness for falling for blow hard pontificators like you and the watchtower society.
It is not possible to have a conversation with you Cofty that has been proven time and time again.
The videos are not for you, you have your truth and your reality that does correspond with science or the facts of nature.
These videos are for people who want scientific explanations that prove you do not know what you are talking about.
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
James Brown
Watch these videos and you will see Cofty has no idea of what he speaks about.
If you believe in evolution after watching these videos please give your brain to Cofty because you are not using it and Cofty needs one.
It's Time to Stop Doing THAT!!!!!
by OnTheWayOut ini stole this from a webpage and altered it to fit my thoughts.
it's time to stop doing that-.
James Brown
I started waking up when I was 6 or 7 having to go to meetings all the time, missing all the tv shows and extra curricular activities. Back in the 50's we had meetings Tuesday night book study, Friday night ministry school and service meeting, door to door Saturday and Sunday talk and watchtower.
I was angry at my situation and God for putting me in that situation.
I was looking for a loop hole.
I found one big enough to drive a mac truck, camel, steam ship through
January 1, 1976. I was 24.
But it took me another 7 years to get the sleep out of my eyes and be completely awake to the bad situation that I found myself in.
I have never been to a meeting since I was 31. 1983
I have come to realize I am not or was not the sharpest tool in the shed or the quickest with reflexes.
But I find myself thorough and detail oriented.
In my defense of my time in the watchtower, It was not the information age. Information was hard to come by.
If you went to the bookstore and most were small nothing like Barnes and Nobel's today, You would find maybe 2 four foot shelves on religion and bibles.
My first book I encountered to bolster my confidence was "30 years a Watchtower Slave". by William Schnell.
Then a book by Wayne Dyer, "Erroneous Zones" Not a religious book but a book that helped me to reprogram my stinking Watchtower thinking.
I always loved reading and was suspicious how the JW's always ignored their older books.
It was like they were embarrassed by them and hiding and apologizing for them.
They were not proud of certain aspects of their history, Rutherford and Russell.
And the Awake and Watchtower did not do a good job of footnoting and referencing their articles. If they even did so at all.
Ex JW's - Which Christian denomination are you with now and why?
by Truthexplorer inthis is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
James Brown
People you tube Kent Hovind and watch it. You will see Cofty is full of garbage.
Ex JW's - Which Christian denomination are you with now and why?
by Truthexplorer inthis is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
James Brown
No you haven't. You have demonstrated many times that you have not got the first clue about evolution.
Back at you Cofty.
All you need to do is listen to Kent Hovind an you will be straightened out.
But not even your God Richard Dawkins will listen or debate him.
That is the Clincher there Dawkins is afraid of Hovind.
He will not debate him because his house of cards would come crashing down.
Any one who wants to be free from Coftys misleading dogma, just you tube Kent Hovind and listen to his series,
you will never believe in Dawkin's non scientific evolutionism again.
Just do it and you will be free. You don't have to argue with me about it.
The Reason exJWs Talk About Politics As Much As They Do Here
by minimus inwe nev could talk about politics.
now we have the freedom of speech!
James Brown
I do think that talking about politics and religion pisses people off.
And it is hard to get all of your ducks in the row either politically or religiously.
Which makes me believe that the powers that be are very good at using and manipulating
the Machevaliean concept of dividing and conquering.
Views are opinions and opinions are like noses everybody has one.
If you are a free thinker you will not agree with others and you will always be stirring things up.
Many people don't like friction that is why they join religions and political parties.
Birds of a feather flock together.
But it can get pretty boring scratching with a bunch of turkeys all the time.